About Aishwariyaa
Aishwariyaa Ramakanthan is a South Asian Indian whose grandparents migrated from India to Malaya in the early 1900s. Born and raised in Singapore and Malaysia, she holds a Bachelor's degree in English from the National University of Singapore and a post-graduate diploma in Education from the Institute of Education, Singapore. She obtained her Masters in History from the University of San Diego, California. She is an English and Social Studies teacher by profession.
She presently lives with her husband in Singapore and is working on her third book while honing her skills in Carnatic music, her other passion. She travels frequently to Singapore and India to pursue lessons in music, perform, and obtain material for her books. While Beyond The Shores of Home, her first book, was inspired by her experiences as a descendant of people from Guruvayur, Kerala, as someone who was born and raised in Singapore and Malaysia, and as an ex-teacher in a Community Day School in California, The Mandarin Rose, her second book is based almost entirely in Singapore.
Beyond the Shores of Home
This book is available for purchase on Amazon in both electronic and paperback formats
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